
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New year!

 Hello, today our challenge for the summer learning journey was to say happy new year 5 different way as well to make a poster of the alphabet numbers and more. I put them on the same poster. We got to pick our different ways of our blog. So here is my video of my five different ways to say happy new year.

Here is a picture of my poster.

If you had to say happy new year in five different ways how would you say it?

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Mathtastic Math

 Hello, today for the summer learning journey we had to do a math activity. I used google slides to do this activity here is my work. Math Link This type of math is called problem solving that is one of my favourite type of math.

What is your favourite type of math?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Summer foods

 Hello, Today for the summer learning journey we had to describe our favourite summer foods. So Here is my google drawing that I created with my favourite summer foods.

What are some of your favourite summer foods?

Monday, December 28, 2020

UV Ratings

 Hello, Today for the summer learning journey we had to make a UV Rating so I used a pencil, one of my school books, A peg and a Chromebook/computer (to search the UV rating.) I learnt that the highest UV Rating is 11 and the lowest is one.

How do you make a UV Rating?

  1. You get your pencil and write down UV Rating on the top.
  2. Once you have finished that you write 11 at the top the you leave two spaces go down and  write 10 keep repeating this till you get down to 1.
  3. Go onto your chrome book and search up the UV rating
  4. you get your peg and place it on the number that the Uv is.
  5. You are done!
Here is the link to my planing.Link. I am still thinking where to put it.
Does yours look similar to this?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Super strong Columns

 Hello, today for the summer learning journey we had to make columns with Nanogirl. I will be testing them out with you today. My prediction is that the tubes will be the strongest. I have to link it because it was to big to download. Link.

My prediction was wrong it was the triangles that were the strongest I think it might be the triangles because they are have more tape to hold it together. I used the same rock order so that its fair cause as you should now different rocks are heavier and different shapes.

Here is the link to how to build columns. Link.

what structure was the strongest for you?

Friday, December 25, 2020


 Hello, for the summer learning journey we had to make origami stars. 

What do you need?

To make Origami stars you need an A 4 piece of paper, scissors, ruler and a pencil.

  1. You get your A 4 piece of paper and draw a straight line with your ruler. 
  2. Next you cut the piece of paper.
  3.  After that you get your strip of paper and curl it to make a hole that you can see through.
  4. Once you've finished that you pull the extra put through the hole and bend it over the other side.
  5. Next you flatten it out and roll the paper round your star until you have no paper left.
  6. Once you have no paper left you squish the paper until you have four angles and it looks like a star.
If these instructions do not work use this link.

Which instructions worked better?

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Exploding Kittens

 For the Summer learning journey we had to explain our favourite game and the rules. Exploding Kittens is a game that my family love playing. It is one of my favourite games.


You deal seven cards to start.

You get a defuse to start with and if you pick up a exploding kitten you lose your defuse. If you have lost your defuse already and don´t have another one and pick up an exploding kitten your out.  

If you pick up an exploding kitten up you put it back in the pile where ever you like.

If you pick an exploding kitten up you have to show it instantly.

You need two hairy potatoes/Taco cat/

Rainbow ralphing cats and Cattermalones to steal one card from another player. you have to put the cards on a different pile(we will call it pile 2).

If you get a favor card you put it on pile 2 and ask a player for a card.

If you want to play a shuffle card you put it down on pile 2 and shuffle the deck(pile 1).

If you would like to play a skip card you put it on pile 2 and that means you do not have to pick a card up.

If you feel like playing an Attack that means you force the next player to take two turns unless they have an attack as well so that means the next person has to pick up four cards unless they have an attack or a nope.

What is a nope card? A nope card is a card that you can stop another player from playing a card that they wanted to play.

Look into the future is a card that you can peek at the first three card of pile 1 but do not show anyone else or tell anyone else what's at the to. 

To end your turn you have to pick a card up.

What do you need? A pack of exploding kitten cards.

Have you played this game if so what is your favourite card?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Te Huarere/weather

 Hello today for the summer learning journey we could do a maori activity and our challenge was to ask what is the weather in maori and answer the question. I recorded myself saying the maori question and me doing the activities. I hope you enjoy. I had to link it. (press link to watch the video).

The trickiest part was trying to make a sentence in maori. The most fun part was doing the activities. thanks for watching and reading.😄

What is the weather like where you are today? Can you say it in the comments in maori?

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Kiwi Jingle bells

 Hello, today for the summer learning journey we had to make a kiwi Jingle bell song here is my song.

Dashing through the room on a Christmas day, preparing all the food for a Christmas at home,On a nice sunny day, I’m setting the table and mum is preparing the pavlova,My brothers are welcoming everyone, Oh what a day it is,

Hey Jingle bells Jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to have a kiwi christmas hey, Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way oh all the excitement for a christmas holiday hey,

Dads on the Barbie preparing the Christmas Lamb, Grandads preparing the yummy Christmas cake, Oh the smell from the kitchen is so great,

Hey Jingle bells Jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to have a kiwi christmas hey, Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way oh all the excitement for a christmas holiday,

Grandma's preparing the fizzy drinks for our christmas party, well us children play some backyard cricket, then tear open the presents,

Hey Jingle bells Jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to have a kiwi christmas hey, Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way oh all the excitement for a christmas holiday,

Here is my song I recorded myself singing it. I had to link it.

What would you do for your dream christmas day?

Monday, December 21, 2020

Treasure code

 Hello today for the Summer learning journey we had to do Treasure code saying what our favourite beach is. I decided to do mine on paper and take a photo for you to see my work. I hope you enjoy. 

The thing that I found the hardest was matching the letters with the arrows, boxes and lines. The thing I found the most fun was writing down my favourite beach in code. The thing that I learnt was how to write in treasure code.

What is your favourite beach? Write in treasure code or in english your favourite beach in the comments. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Xlyophone fun

 Hello so today for the summer learning journey I made two different Xylophones my first one I made was with glasses and water you put different amounts of water in each glass so they make different sounds so the more water you have in the glass means the higher pitched sound it will make. Here is my first Xylophone.(you use a pencil to tap the glasses.)

My second one I made was a paper tube Xylophone that you make big tubes and small tubes to have different sounds. The bigger the tube the more vibration you get which means you get a higher pitch sound and the smaller the tube you get a low pitch sound. Here is my picture of the paper tube Xylophone.(You tap the pencil on the paper to get the noises.
Here is my recording of me playing the Xylophones. 
What one is your favourite?

Friday, December 18, 2020

Sleepy Cat (Haiku poem)

 Hello, for the summer learning journey we had to make a Haiku poem here is mine that is based on my cat.

Here is my video of my Haiku poem.

What would you do yours about?

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Never give up

 Hello, today for the summer learning journey I made a song chorus and I named it Never give up. I decided to make this because I think children and adults should do what they want to do and Never give up on there dreams. Here is my google drawing chorus that I wrote. 

I decided to use the All blacks as my background because I think that they never give up and keep on going even when they are losing. 

Here is me singing the chorus of my song ¨Never give up¨.

whats an example that you think fits in with my song chorus?

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Arttastic Art

 Hello today I made some art using Art coloring Book.

                                                             Here is the original big ben Tha Augustus pugin made this in 1859.

                                                                Here is my art

I decided to change the colours a bit brighter so in my opinion it looks better even though it looks cool with the pictures I have seen.

Here is my next one it is a Jesus statue this was made in 1931.

I decided to change the robe colour because at the moment at church the priests where purple because its advent.

This one is made by Mohamed Melehi.

Here is the one I have made.

What one is your favourite?

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 Whats PBL? PBL stands for Project based learning here is our google site that Jacob and I made. Site link I hope you enjoy and like our songs.

Our songs are about Letting others talk for themselves and speak nicely, No racism or abuse of any Kind. Your words can hurt other people's feelings and this can be very upsetting and cause people to be unhappy. Consider your words carefully  and think before you say.   

Thanks for reading.

Which song was your favourite?