
Wednesday, April 29, 2020


today I will be teaching you how to do tidy numbers here is on for you to figure out.

678+352 so I will plus two onto the  678 so its know 680 then you minus 2 of 350.
So it will know be 680+350=1000.

Here is a minus one 958-680 for this you plus on both sides so it will be 960-682=328

Can you figure these two out?


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Motorcycle Race

I got a idea to write about a Motorcycle Race. Here is my story. I hope you enjoy.

                  Motor Race

Welcome back to the Motor Race tourtomant. We are now at the last two teams in the first lane we have Jamaica's Gorge swain who is second at the moment he has 9000 points. In first place with 10000 points is New zealand's Brian carge.

5 4 3 2 … 1 Go!!!!!!  Brian takes the lead jumps over the bridge and makes a jump into the muddiest put which is the ditch Gorge is struggling to catch up but he just couldn't get near him Brian was already in the trees which is where they started so Brians got two more laps to go and Gorge is in the weaving park but keeps bumping into the double weave.

Brian went into the out to the forest bit and then he went into the Motor pool and started skidding round suddenly there was a huge bump and in flies Brian into the pool. Gorge is going past the line now but Brian has finally passed the pool and back into the rally course where he has to do a lap.

Gorge is going really fast through the pool and doesn't even fall into the pool. Brian does the lap quickly and goes into the weaving again. After a while Brian goes into the forest with Gorge not far behind.

Because Brian is in the front he gets to choose which lap he wants to do so he decided to do the flying bridge lap so Gorge had to do the pool one. Brian flyed up the bridge and landed in the muddy ditch and got out of the ditch. Brian could see that George was going really fast; they met each other in the weaving Brian was going really fast through the weaving. George was a little bit behind Brian.

Brian was going into the forest and was rolling up to the ramp and he went flying through the forest. He had almost finished his last lap and the tape was broken for Brian. Gorge was 4 seconds behind Brian.

Brian gets Gold He didn't even lose a game he won all of them. Gorge gets Silver. Everyone was going wild. They were so happy.

Toucans Poster

Today's learning intention for reading is identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding. Here is my poster for reading.

Have you made a poster like this before if so what did you do for your poster?


Today we had to make a Report about Toucans here is our learning intention. Use a text structure that is appropriate to the purpose.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Did you know People keep Toucans as pets? But they get really noisy if they know humans or hunters are around. Toucans make a croaking sound when they go Raucous. Imagine hearing a Toucan going Raucous.

Paragraph 1

There are forty species of Toucan. All of the Toucan species live in a rainforest. At least fifteen of the species live in the Amazon rainforest. Toucans weigh between 60 grams and 100 grams. The Toucans are 25 inches tall. Their beaks are 7 inches long.

Paragraph 2

Toucans can be really playful because they toss the food and they fight for the food. Only a playful fight though. The toucan’s enormous bill means that when compared to the size of its body, it has the largest bill of all the world’s birds. Toucans have a serrated beak( that means they have a really sharp beak).The toucans have really Their beaks are really colourful there colours can be Turquoise,Brown,orange,Yellow and many other colours.

Paragraph 3

Toucans enemies are Hawks,Owls,Boas, Jaguars, and Margays often invade toucan nests. Their enormous bill is useless in defending against predators even though they try to defend themselves with it. It attracts humans to capture them to sell their beaks.

Paragraph 4

Toucans like to eat berries and fruit.  They spit out there fruit stones. They also like to eat insects and small animals. To eat they toss their food in the air then they catch it in its mouth then they eat it.

Paragraph 5

Toucans brush each other to get clean. They clean each other with their long beaks. Toucans can snap their tail back to their head!! Toucans have long tongues as big as 15 centimetres.


What do you know about Toucans?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Today we had to draw a mascot for reading. I thought of these ideas because I love Giraffes and Squash. I also thought it would be really cool to put a crusifix as well for our family believes. I used google drawings to make this.

I was trying to make a hockey stick as well but I couldn't make a curve for the hockey stick. So I had to just make do with the other three but that is ok. I figured out with google drawings if you drew it you couldn't put the coulor in it.

                   Have you made a Mascot before?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


My Dad and I have been making Poppies for ANZAC Day.

We have been making Poppies out of Plywood Cupcake wrappers and red,Black, green and an under coat, a Jigsaw a pencil and a compass( Not a North South West East compass It's like a pencil but it has a little metal bit on the other side of it) . The flower will be red. The black will be for the middle. The sticks will be green. We will be putting them in our garden on ANZAC day.

How did you make the poppies?  Dad and I found some wood in the Garage. Then we both drew a shape of a poppy with the compass. After we had drawn the shape on the compass we got a pencil out and made it look like a Poppy. Then Dad got the Jigsaw out and he cut one out then he let me cut one out. After we had cut them out I got to paint the under cote for the Poppies.

The Next day in the Morning Dad and I painted the first red cote we left that to dry. The same day but in the Afternoon we put the second Red cote on the Poppies then Dad put the under coat on for the stalks.  The next morning we put the coat on for the middle of the Poppy which is black then we got the green out and put the coat on for that. We let them to dry. Here is some photos of my Poppies.

                                                            Lest we forget.

                               Have you ever made Poppies if so what have you made them out of?

Monday, April 20, 2020


ANZAC day marks the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand soldiers at gallipoli.   ANZAC day is the 25th of April.  The first Dawn service was in 1923.  Services are held at dawn because in battle, dawn was the best time to attack the enemy. Dawn services are held at 6 AM.  Dawn services are held to remember the soldiers who died in the First World War and all wars that have followed since. Soldiers would wake in the dark so at the first signs of light they were alert and awake. More than 11,000 ANZACS died at Gallipoli and more than 23,500 were wounded.  The poppy is a symbol from John McCrae's poem Flanders fields.  The poppy was the first flower to grow at the battle fields that is why it is a symbol for ANZAC Day.

                                                               Lest we forget.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Marble track

On the 17/4/2020 my Dad and I made a marble track.  We used cardboard boxes and sellotape.

Dad made a starting gate out of a little box. I had to cut the sellotape so dad could hold the box in place. After we had made a starting box we made a little hole that the Marbles dropped down into a ramp that leads to a tunnel,then onto the bumpy bit that leads to the finish box.

For some parts of the track we had to make barriers ,especially for the curves. Then we  had a trial run and we had to make some adjustments .After the tunnel they were stopping at a bumpy bit so I tried to flatten it out. That worked so then I added a box at the end to catch the winning marbles at the finish line.

Three ,two, one ping out roll the marbles down to the drop, they all roll round the corner then they drop down and go down into the tunnel and past the bumpy bit and the Green one wins. The crowd goes wild for the Green Marble. 

Here are some photos of my Marble track. Here are some Marbles racing.

Here they are at the starting line.

Here are some Marbles racing.

                                                   The winner is .............. Green!!!!!!!!!!

                   Have you ever made a marble track if so what did you use?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

what's in the bag?

Today for math we had to play what's in the bag then write about it.

What do you need to play what's in the bag? A bag. Any object that will fit in a bag. They have to be different colours. You can use as many of that object as you want. A book and a pencil or pen.

How do you play what in the bag? You get somebody to put your objects in the bag. Then they shake them. Then the person who wants to play doesn't look and puts there hand and pulls out one object. Then you write down what colour you got. Then when you think you have figured out what colours are in the bag and how many there are you have a look in the bag.

Mum put three different colours in the bag and I pulled a plastic monkey. I picked one up ten times. After the ten times I decided that there were more blue than any other colour. So I had a look inside and there was four blue, three red and 2 yellow. Here was my tally of what I picked up Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Blue.

                                  What colours did you get?

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter drawing

Today's task was to draw a picture about two of the books we have read. here is my picture.

I used some stenceles to draw the animals and eggs. I chose to draw animals and eggs because in the two books I read there were animals looking for eggs and helping each other. So I tried to make it look like that.  

Like the two books I tried to make all the eggs different and the animals different as well. I made all the animals eyes blue because I thought it would look nice and bright.  

With the stencils some of  the parts were really hard to get into so I had to draw those parts without the stencil but copying the stencil.  Otherwise it might not look like the animal.  With some of the stencils I drew it but then there were lots of parts so I rubbed them out and tried to connect it. 

Which animal is your favourite?

Friday, April 10, 2020

Eater decorations

Today's Task was to decorate a hard boiled egg and share a photo of it.  I have decorated a bunny rabbit. Here is the picture of my egg.

To decorate this I used a boiled egg and found some rabbit decorations in the arts and crafts box we have.  I had to use some double sided sticky tape to stick it on. I had to dry it otherwise the tape won't work.

It was tricky to stick them on because some parts were wetter than others. It was also tricky because sometimes my thumb got in the way so we had to get a new tape  to stick it on.  In the back there was also a strap for the egg to sit on.

There was also different straps and I could have made a Chicken but I thought the rabbit would look really cute on an egg. 

                                 What would you do on your egg?

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Today's task was to write about a book that we had to read. So I have written some information about some birds and animals eggs.

All birds lay eggs. The ostrich lays the biggest eggs. The Kiwi lays a biggest egg comparison to its body. The humming bird lays the smallest eggs.  Lots of other animals like lizards and snakes lay eggs to.  Even dinosaurs laid eggs.

Frogs also lay eggs but when the eggs hatch they are a Tadpole. Once the tadpole has hatched the  Tadpole starts growing legs then they become a frog. They will lay eggs and have Tadpoles.  Frogs don't have claws or scaly skins. So that means they are called Amphibians.

Fish eggs either float up to the surface or sink to the bottom of the sea. Father fish guard their eggs until they think they have all hatched. Mother Seahorses lay their eggs in the Dads pouch. He keeps them there until they hatch.

Did you know that every one who lays an egg is an Oviparous?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is it?

Today's Task was to describe something in your house so I have picked something.

It is remote control. It can fly inside. There are outdoor types of it as well. It is green and black. There is a battery in this object and in the remote. It has a box for it the battery to sit in. You can take the cage off and fly it like that but I don't. It needs charging for about 30 minutes.  It doesn't charge off the controler it charges off a black cable that lights up when finished. 

The remote has lights so does this object. For the outdoor one there is a limit on how high it can go. There is different speeds for this object. You can do flips with it. It has a cage so if you bang into walls it doesn't matter. It is really cool to see it bounce off the walls.

It has propellers that are green. The propellers help it lift of the ground. The propellers also help it go forwards or backwards. It also helps with spinning the object.

It is really small you could easily put it into your pocket. It's even smaller than the controller.  This object has cables that run through each propeller. the propellers are plastic like the cage.

The left controller is for it to spin and how high it goes and the right controller is for it to go left right forward and backwards.

what is the object?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Zoo keeper

Today's task was would you rather be a Zoo keeper or a spy. I would like to be a zookeeper. It would be cool to look after baby animals.

I would like to be a zookeeper because I love animals and it would be cool getting to look after endangered animals and almost extinct animals.  If I got to be a Zookeeper I would want to look after the giraffes and the monkeys.

I would like to look after the Giraffes because they are my favourite animal. the Giraffes are my favourite animals because the tall. I also enjoy how they use there purple tongues to wrap up leaves and munch them.  I would also like to save giraffes from getting extinct because that would be sad.

 I would like to be a Monkey keeper because Monkeys cheer people up. The Monkeys are also really playful and I like how they use their tails to hang. They can also be really cheeky like pretend they didn't have any food when they have had heaps but they wanted more.

Would you rather be a Zookeeper or a spy?

What's your favourite animal?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Board games

Today's task was to write about your favourite board game so I have taken some photos from different angles to show you how our monopoly game is going.

While we have been in lockdown we have been playing Monopoly about once a day which is really fun. We play it so my brothers can have a break from there studying.  I like playing monopoly because I like how you can debate for different places so you can make sets and build hotels and apartments.

I also like playing Triominoes. Triominoes is like dominoes but has three sides and you have to connect them together the person who gets rid of the triominoes first wins the person with them left has to count there numbers then someone writes the points down. The person with the highest triple puts it on the ground then its the other players turn. When you finish playing Triominoes the person with the least points wins. If you can't make a turn you have to pick a triomino up. If all of the Triominoes are gone you have to say pass and once everyone has said pass the game is over and you count the points up. Dad and I have just played Triominoes here is what our game looks like.

this is what I have picked up.

this is what our game looks like.

I have just beat Dad by 27 points.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Limericks poetry

Todays task was to write some Limericks poetry then find a piece of poetry that you like.  Here are some of my ones.

Bunny- Benjamin

A bunny can hop
I wonder if it will stop
It has a carrot for lunch
but I haven't got a bunch
I wonder if it will eat a crop

Crocodile- Benjamin

A crocodile is wearing a hat
It just ate a cat
I wonder if it will snap
It might sound like a clap
It sleeps on a mat

Hedgehog- Benjamin

A Hedgehog has a prickle
It came inside for a tickle
It drinks milk
It tastes like silk
It went home in a pickle

Here is a Poem I found in our Poetry book by Joy cowley.

Muddly, Muddly- Joy Cowley

Muddly, muddly,
Feed a lizard.
stuff an earwig
in its gizzard,
Cut its toenails
in a blizzard
Muddly, Muddly,
Feed a lizard

Muddly, Muddly,
Feed a spider.
Drop a dragonfly
inside her
Put her in your
hair, and hide her
Muddly, Muddly
Feed a spider.

Muddly, Muddly,
Feed a goat.
Shove a cabbage
down his throat.
Sit him in a
paper boat.
Muddly, muddly,
Feed a goat.

What is your favourite Poem called?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Scavenger hunt

Today's task was to go on a scavenger hunt and find things in the alphabet and then make a list of them. You can also take photos of some of them close up to challenge people to find out what they are. I did it outside. Here is what I found.

A for apple
B for brussel sprout
C for chrysanthemums
D for Daphne bush
E for ear muffs
F for Ferns
G for Grape vines
H for Hutch
I for Iris
J for Jumper leads
M Maple tree
N for Netting
O for Outdoor
P for Pots
R for Rhubarb
S for Strawberries
T for Tomato
U for Underground Cable sign
V for Variegated leaves
W for weather Vane
Z for Zucchini

I was unable to find four letters that's why they are blank. Here are some photos to figure out which is which.


Can you figure out which is which?


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

3 2 1 Blast of!!

Today's task was to write what you think the moon looks like and what it would be like to live on the moon.  In my imagination the moon is big and round.I can imagine that the moon has holes in it.  I think the moon spins like earth.

I am predicting living on the moon would be really hard because you can't actually touch the moon because of gravity so no one could live on the moon for more than a month.  Because you need to store all the food in your rocket and you would need a big rocket to store all the food.

One thing I would like to know is if you can see the earth from the moon. Like sometimes you can see the moon from earth at night. I also want to know how dark it is. What if it rains on the moon. I wonder if the rain falls the same way as it does on earth.Did you know that there's no day and night on the moon.

 It would be cool to live on the moon but you couldn't live there forever.

Do you think you would want to live on the moon?