
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Math boards

Here are my math boards for this week.

what equation do you think I could do next week?

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Part six of partly cloudy

This week we had to watch this video it was called partly cloud we were split into parts I got part six. Here is my part.

Part 6 of partly cloudy A porcupine problem

Pec flys back to his gray fluffy cloud that felt like Marshmallows wondering what the next weird creature was. Gus makes a porcupine and gives it to peck without the bag and he gets a whole bunch of porcupine spikes that felt like crocodiles teeth getting sunk into pecks skin. Pecks eyes were wide-eyed with the pain of the serrated porcupine spikes. He throws the porcupine into the air in deep pine then he catches it again and again. Peck looks over to the next cloud where they are getting puppies and kittens and babies and all peck is getting is porcupines and crocodiles and who knows what after the porcupine what do you think Peck will get after?. Then Peck throws the porcupine at Gus(the cloud) and Gus makes a nice bag for the porcupine. Peck carfelly pecks the top of the bag and flies away into the atmosphere with his prickly ball. Peck arrives back with spikes all over his head Gus looks at him and pulls all the shark-like teeth of his head aaaarrrrgggghhhh shouts peck in pain His eyes almost popped out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Daniels feast Reading and writing.

This is what we did for reading this week.

For writing we had to review a book so I decided to do Daniels feast for the review to.

 What did you do for reading writing this week?