
Thursday, January 2, 2020


My favourite game is Squash, Squash is a sports game.  I've been playing Squash for a year and a half (18 months).  This is what my squash racket looks like.  This what Squash glasses look like.
I train two times a week Tuesday and Wednesday I also have Interclub on Mondays.  For Interclub you could play anywhere in Christchurch. My club is called Christchurch club its in Cashmere. there are lots of different colors for Squash but I play with a blue dot.  This is what the blue dot looks like.
   How do you play Squash? First of all you need is a Squash ball, a racket, non marking shoes and the most important Squash glasses.  The person who is going to serve goes into one of the  service box of the T and the person who is returning should stand 1 big step away from the corner of the Service box on the other side and get ready to hit a good shot if you get it up you keep playing until someone hits the tin or if it goes out.  Here is a picture of a Squash court and the parts of a Squash court.

I started playing Squash because I was watching 2018 Commonwealth Games on TV and came across squash.  If you want to play another game I think you should give Squash a go.  I love playing squash!!!


  1. Kia ora Benjamin,
    Squash is a fast and exciting game, you must be very good if you play interclub. Watching the Commonwealth Games is such a great way to see new sports you may not have known existed. I once watched an event where the competitors skied then shot with rifles, it was very cool.
    What do you need squash glasses for, is it because the ball is so small? I know I would need glasses just to see that small fast ball.
    Nga mihi,

  2. Hello Mark,
    You need to wear glasses because the ball is hard and It can fly really fast.

  3. Kia ora Benjamin,
    I once hit my friend when playing squash, the ball hit him in the back under his armpit and it got stuck in there. When he lifted his arm it fell out but left a huge welt and lump.
    Have you ever been hit by the ball?
    Nga mihi,

    1. Hi Mark,
      yes I have been hit a couple of times the one that I remember the most was one of my friends dads was helping my friend and I warm up I looked back to see were the ball was and got hit in the forehead I got a big bruise.

  4. Kia ora Benjamin, this is Kieryn from the Summer Learning Journey.
    Well done for participating in the Summer Learning Journey and creating this blog post about your favourite game.
    Squash looks like a fantastic sport to play, and you have included so much information about the game onto this blog post!
    You mentioned how you have been playing squash for a year and a half, and only started playing after you watched it in the 2018 Commonwealth Games. What was it about squash that you liked?
    I really appreciate how you have explained how to play squash in such detail, and even included images of the equipment required to play. This is super helpful for people like myself who were unsure on how to play the game.
    How long did it take you to fully understand how to play?
    You also mentioned how you train two times a week, and also have a game on a Monday night.
    How long do the games usually go for, and do you get a break in the middle?
    Nga mihi


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