
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The best Math board ever

This is what my hub has been doing this week. We have been doing Math boards.

 This one of the math boards that I have made. So what happens is you get given a question and this is how I sometimes figure it out is this way. You can do any equations you like with Math boards. My friends and I sometimes call them math cubes sliced in quarters. 

Here is another one of my math boards/ math cubes sliced in quarters.
Does your school do Math boards?

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The floating boat

 On Pbl we did a boat we could use paper, straws,plastic cups,foil, and tape. The record in Tumu hub is 141 marbles and it had paper at the bottom and the cups were at the top. You had to try get as many marbles in your boat as you can as I said earlier the record is 141 and the boat did not rip at all not even the wet paper did not even ripp a little bit. my boat got 14 marbles. What we could have done better was that we should have used more cups than paper and straws and we needed to make more stable.

If you made a floating boat out of these materials what would your floating boat look like and how many marbles do you think you could put in the floating boat?

Endangered species

Endangered species

  What is a kakapo?

A kakapo is a bird that is very endangered. The only place they are found is in New Zealand. The parts in New zealand they are found are stewart Island  and mostly all the kakapo are found in the South Island.

What kakapo looks like.

Kakapo are birds that can't fly. They have black and green feathers and have a hairy face and with their beak is grey and almost on the top look like nostrils They have cute black eyes. They look very fluffy and they are really cute.

Facts about kakapo

There are only 148 kakapo in New zealand
They came here with a host of predators like dogs,cats,weasels and rats.
Kakapos have strong smell that the predators can smell them easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Males don’t take care of their babies and that leaves the females to take care of them.
When the opossums ate all the food the Kakapos has nothing to eat.
The kakapo are super climbers they climb with just their feet

Are kakapo endangered?

Kakapo are very endangered there are only 148 left in NZ  which is extremely sad.